Friday, 27 February 2015

Basic Call Flow in IPCC

Basic Call Flow In IPCC Network

1.VG sends the call to the GK for ARQ.
2.GK response with IP address of CVP-VB.
3.VG sends the call to the VB using hH225 .
4.CVP transfer the call to the CVP-AS using HTTP.
5.AS Sends the new call event to the ICM using VRU and define the call as type 5
6.ICM returns label-7 and correlation ID to the AS.
7.The CVP application server sends the label with a correlation ID to the CVP-VB
8.CVP-VB ask GK for the IP address of the end-point of that label.
9.VB transfer the call to the specific VG .
10.VG transfer the call to the CSS.
11.CSS route the call to the appropriate AS.AS sends the type-7 information to the ICM.
12.ICM runs the script and tell the AS which media file should play.
13.The AS instructs the VG via http to play media file.
14.The PSTN GW sends a message to the CSS regarding media server.
15.The CSS redirect the request to Media server and caller hear the IVR.


16.VG detects the response or CED and sent it to the CVP-AS. CVP-AS forward it to the ICM and ICM runs the script and call the stored to fetch data from ICM
17.CRM provides the data to the customer.
18.ICM runs the script and tells the CVP-AS play the media file.
19.CVP-AS tells the VG to play  data and media file.
20.GW sends the call to CSS regarding Media Server.

21.CSS redirect the request to media server and caller hear the data.

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